Highlight is composed of a team of passionate consultants who share a common vision of human coaching that focuses on the heart, self-knowledge, and the highlighting of talents.

This ecosystem is the result of motivating encounters that have inspired us to work together to ensure the personal and professional growth of individuals and organisations.
It is a stable and solid network of talented profiles capable of leading all types of tailor-made and large-scale projects.


Séverine Barbette’s professional career has been in the field of Human Resources consulting, serving clients from various sectors (financial, industrial, service, etc.) in Belgium and Luxembourg. She also held a management position with a major player in the field of training and development. Intuitive and trained in MBSR meditation, Séverine’s approach and HR expertise are both visionary and pragmatic.


Candice Van Der Elst portrait

Van der elst

Change is a door that can only be opened from the inside.

Tom Peters

The great moments of life are often accompanied by many emotions. The ones that counted for me represent moments where I dared to push the limits and gained memories, contacts, and experiences that have become nuggets that I keep at the bottom of my pockets.

Sharing these experiences and supporting others as they remember their precious moments helps to build self-confidence and is an integral part of my daily work.

I have 10 years of experience in human resources, with certifications in individual coaching (NLP, systemic, transactional analysis, narrative practices, etc.) and in team and organisational coaching (coach and team). I have a creative mind with a thirst for learning and development. I share all these techniques and experiences for themes such as preventing and recovering from burnout, EFT, creative journaling, and more.  My passion is to surpass myself, whether it is from a sporting, creative, or intellectual point of view.

Caroline Gavroy portrait


Each day that passes is an adventure that offers us the opportunity to learn about ourselves.

I have always felt a deep joy when I share my knowledge. Bringing my support, arousing curiosity and awakening, and stimulating reflection fill me with energy. Through my work as a trainer and coach, I have the opportunity to accompany individuals to reveal themselves. My experience in the field of human resources enables me to provide employees with tools that help develop their potential. Helping a team to grow and reach its objectives are the type of challenge that I like to win!

After studying marketing and advertising, I became certified in pedagogy. I first worked in the education sector, before turning to adult education about ten years ago. Specialised in skills
management, communication, and conflict management, I started my career as a trainer in the field of professional reorientation. I then became involved in training and talent development in the HR department of a large company in Luxembourg. I was also able to work on change projects and support the business. I like to discover new working models and tools that I can adapt to give a unique answer to the client. I encourage the collective approach and the
creation of links, but also the individual follow-up when implementing concrete solutions to a problematic situation.


There is only one way to fail, and that is to give up before you succeed – Georges Clémenceau 

The purpose of life is not the hope of becoming perfect, it is the will to be ever better – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities – J.K. Rowling

The best way to predict the future is to create it – Peter Drucker 

I am particularly proud to have been able to participate in the development and implementation of new methodologies during my various professional experiences. Observing people, listening to their expectations, analysing the way they function, identifying ways to be more efficient alone and as a team… assisting in the development of the structures in which I have had the chance to evolve is a personal pride that I am delighted to have shared with my managers and colleagues. 

I have 15 years of experience in human resources and project management. I’m committed, dynamic, rigorous, and passionate about discovering more about others and surpassing myself!


The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Peter Drucker

I am passionate about supporting teams with their administrative and logistical matters.

Dynamic and organised, I gladly participate in the smooth running of the company for which I work.

After having grown my skills in different work environments as an executive assistant, I decided to join the consulting sector for the development of human potential. Proactive and positive, I
adapt to all situations. I consider myself to be a link in the chain, which enables the smooth coordination of current projects for both the consultants and the client. I manage my work efficiently, aiming for quality in all my actions.


They did not know it was impossible, so they did it.

Marc Twain

Working on the identification and development of entrepreneurial skills in emerging countries has been a real highlight for me. Indeed, I was able to realise how much of a difference the
enrichment of skills could make and how this leads to significant changes. What I learned from my experience is that professional and personal development is, above all, a matter of commitment and a thirst for discovery.

After completing my studies in human resources management, I specialised in learning & development. Continuous learning and professional development are my leitmotiv. Involved, motivated, and positive, I help and support my colleagues in their daily tasks.


Ricarda Colborn


Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde

The turning point in my career was when I became a certified coach. When I accompany someone I feel most like myself. I love to help people become aware of their hidden treasures and encourage them to live a more conscious life.

I have been working in the field of management since 2006. I have worked as a coach, trainer, and assessor for clients in various sectors (finance, industry, and services). My experience spans all levels of hierarchy, from blue collar workers to top management.
I have worked internationally (Luxembourg, Germany, France, and Australia).

I have a degree in management and HR from a French management school, and a degree in international business. I am a qualified assessor, certified Insights Discovery practitioner, and certified coach (Co-active Coach and ICF PCC). I am fluent in German, English, and French.

My approach is holistic and I work with the mind, heart, and body.
I also have a comprehensive knowledge of Enneagram.

Delphine Pietschmann Portrait


Be the change you want to see in the world.

M. Gandhi

Let’s start with ourselves when we want to see the world change. It is thanks to small steps that big paths are created.

I had the chance to accompany a team through a period of change, during which tensions with the management took up a lot of time. After intense work on the strengths of this team, their challenges, and the meaning they gave to their work, we prepared a meeting with the management. This meeting was a highlight for me, because I could see the fruit of our work together: the sensitive points were addressed through dialogue and real listening from both sides allowed us to restart a human and healthy working relationship.

A lawyer by training and a human resources manager by profession, I am a certified business coach ( IOBC, DBVC, Trigon and ISO 17024 ) and a certified mediator (Trigon, ALMA).

I work in French, English, and German, which allows me to work with people from multiple backgrounds. I enjoy spending time in nature, hiking, inline skating, and short walk. Originally from Brittany, the sea in all its forms is one of my main sources of energy.

Celine Engels portrait


I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

Carl Jung

What amazes me in my daily life is to be able, through training, feedback, a comment, or even a single word, to sow a small seed of awareness and freedom in the mind of someone else.

This seed germinates, little by little, until the person opts for a positive change in their life and decides (or accepts) to be happy. Their fulfillment rubs off on others, spreading the positive butterfly effect.

I am a coach, trainer, and facilitator, but also a mum, globetrotter, sportswoman, and much more! In other words, I’m someone who loves life!

Passionate about personal development and self-knowledge, I am certified in Enneagram, MBTI (equivalent), and RIASEC. I am trained to use collective intelligence, positive psychology, and assessment centre tools.

My two main strengths are laughter and idea generation.
I have a gift for listening to people and telling them THE little thing that will cause a whirlwind of self-questioning and open the field of possibilities for a better future for them.

Nadine Montens portrait


Every day, create your life!

My highlight was when I decided to start my own business in 2008. I never thought I would be doing what I have done since. I have had meaningful encounters and traveled to Africa to photograph the skills of people identified as ‘high potential’. I have been seduced by their vital energy and joy and their desire to give their best to contribute to societal development in the face of adversity. When I receive feedback such as “my notes and your report are my bedside book, I reread them regularly and it helps me a lot,” I am delighted!

  • Somatic coaching – Josette Lepine – ICF Accredited – Appropriate Leadership – Tara – Brussels
  • The human element – William Schultz – Tara – Brussels
  • The Hudson wheel of change – Tara – Brussels
  • Emotional intelligence & leadership – Trajectway – Trajectum-Leuven
  • Organisation & relationship system coaching – ICF Accredited- ORSC – CRR Global, Paris (www.crrglobal.com)
  • Certified coach, root, & grow
  • MBTI Accreditation – level I
  • I love traveling, especially through nature which has so much to give and which is so resourceful!
  • Subtle energies, the potential of the human being and of humanity


Control your destiny or someone else will do it for you.

Jack Welch

I particularly appreciate when a simple question, benevolent confrontation, or the contribution of a new model enables me to accompany another person or a group so they can experience another reality, new knowledge, and/or increased awareness which raises their level of consciousness, helping them to realise more about themselves, align themselves, and improve themselves.

I have a hybrid profile based on 3 roles: senior HR consultant, trainer, and executive coach. It all started with a fine career, lasting more than 21 years, within the Solvay Group. I have accumulated numerous assignments in both corporate sites and plants, first in Europe and then in Asia. I have also held several managerial positions in human resources.

In 2019, I made the decision to leave my role as Director of Training and Development EMEA and member of the leadership team of the corporate university in order to bring more meaning to my life, realign my skills, and share my rich experience in organisations.

I have been training all my life. I trained as a coach at the leading & coaching academy (ICF) where I am accredited, and I have practiced NLP, EFT (emotional freedom techniques), change management through the Hudson wheel, NVC (non-violent communication), change management, NPN (new managerial paradigms), facilitation techniques, team coaching, etc. I am also skilled at yoga, breathing techniques for better management of key moments, meditation, sailing, and tennis.

Sonia Orlowski


In life, everything is a sign.

Paulo Coelho

Alternatively, how we can be guided by external messages, if we are attentive.

“There are no failures, there are only experiences.”

Looking at things from this perspective makes it easier and more natural to take action!

After many years of professional questioning and driven by my 2 mantras (above), I decided to set up my own business. I was able to better respond to my needs for freedom and identity while following my own rhythm.

Dancing has been part of my life for a long time. Even if my dancing shoes have been put away now, passion, team spirit, flexibility, good memory, rigour, and listening skills are all
qualities that I was able to develop on the dance floor and that I use on a daily basis, both in my role as an HR consultant and as a certified professional coach.

Cédric Roussel portrait


I set up risk-taking as a precautionary principle! – Moving towards the unknown, putting myself off balance and taking certain risks nourishes my confidence and self-esteem in addition to refining my relationship with others: three major keys to my happiness…

Didier van Cauwelaert

I work with influential women on the international level. My role is to accompany them to find their rightful place, a new and unique place, the nature of which neither they and I know because it has yet to be invented! This approach requires me to be in the right place, shifted, aligned, attentive, and neutral. This makes sense in coaching and in my contribution to the societal paradigm shift.

I have a Master’s in International Development. I am a professional certified coach (PCC) from the International Coach Federation. My talent lies mainly in my energy, creativity, and sociability, which stems from my heterogeneous experiences (scientific studies, 15 years of humanitarian work, freelance, coach, EN/FR trainer). My passion is to find the right balance in my professional and personal life!

valerie galand portrait


Later it will be too late, your life is now.

Jacques Prévert

To become independent, to dare to establish my own company, but above all to help people accept themselves and remain authentic. I feel good when I encourage people to discover other perspectives and open other horizons, especially to collaborate better. “The only, true, unique journey is to change one’s outlook” – Marcel Proust.

My greatest successes are when these new perspectives allow individuals and teams to be more fulfilled and more united.

I am a certified assessor and MBTI and coach from the Institute of Neurocognitivism and a chair up yoga teacher.

What refreshes me: nature, my children, my friends, travel, discoveries, reading, and swimming.

My passions: naturopathy, alternative medicine, foreign languages, and personal development.


The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

Carl Gustav Jung

I consider my work as an independent coach and consultant to be my personal highlight. It is a real privilege to be able to accompany my clients on their personal journey and to be there for them as a trusted partner and ‘sparring partner’.

My highlight areas are self-reflection, self-awareness, personal growth, and lifelong learning.

The fundamental values that underlie them are openness, curiosity, courage, and the desire to develop further.

These are also the values that have driven me in my personal and professional development.

First of all during my education (master’s and doctorate in work and organisational psychology), then during my various professional experiences as a HR project and team leader, HR consultant, leadership trainer, teacher, and now as a freelancer.

Isabella Buson Portrait


What I am doing today is important because I am trading one day of my life for it.

In coaching, when I accompany the person until they bring out their own solution: that’s a moment of real human connection and working in partnership.

This nourishes and enriches me. When I give a training session or facilitate a seminar and I see the participants smile, get excited, participate, and form a team. There is a collective energy in those moments that could lift mountains.

  • Since 2011 I have been an ICF certified professional coach.
  • I have trained several thousands of people in large groups and SMEs.
  • I am a mind mapping expert for the APM in Paris (network of business leaders in France and around the world).
  • I am trained in appreciative inquiry, design thinking, mind mapping, and systemic representations.
  • I am Italian and grew up in Switzerland. I live in London, but work mainly in France and Luxembourg.
  • What interests me are relationships with the living, lateral thinking, understanding people and situations beyond appearances and many other things!
  • My hobbies are reading (and now learning to speed read to be able to read all the books I’m interested in), yoga, mountains, healthy living, and physical activity in general as I used to be a personal trainer.
Virginie Kluckers portrait


There is no chance, there are only appointments.

Paul Eluard

Appointments with people, events, places, objects… They cross our path, touch us more or less deeply, leave a trace, and are finally part of who we are.

Together with 5 other internal coaches, I created the internal coaches community within BGL BNP Paribas in 2017. I am very happy and proud to be a co-founder.

It is a beautiful human adventure, based on our shared passion for coaching people to serve the individual and the organisation.

Each coaching session is a source of learning and happiness. Create a secure bubble for and with the coachee in which they can express themself and work with complete confidence. A space where they can take a step back from their reality, look at it with fresh eyes, and test new things in their daily life.

Learn – share and grow.

Curious and passionate about personal development, I am certified in MBTI (2007) and as a coach practitioner (2015) for individual and team coaching.

I have more than 20 years of experience in the banking sector in human resources (business partner). I have worked on training, change and communication, corporate culture, and employee mobility, focusing on accompanying employees in internal redeployment.

Training in progress:

  • Therapeutic plantar reflexology (scheduled to end in 2023) in Combourg, Brittany


  • 2017: intensive and practical training in development and assessment centre.
  • 2016: Relaxation training
  • From 2010 to 2015: Practitioner coach training course (coaching level 1 and 2 – solution orientation – systemic – elements of psychopathology – group and team coaching)
Stephan Vandegaart portrait


Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


I felt at home, proud, and even moved when I had the chance to attend a workshop that was the culmination of a learning journey that I had been fortunate enough to create and implement. This workshop was facilitated by the HR business partners who had participated in this journey. The participants were their line managers, the HR directors. The topic of the facilitation was what they had learned throughout the various training modules. Being able to witness the extraordinary progress of the HR business partners over a few months, seeing their smiles and confidence, made me very proud. Contributing to someone’s development is something that generates great emotion in me.

I am certified in the use of SHL and DISC factor psychometric tools and questionnaires. One of my talents lies in being able to simplify and articulate things. Transforming ideas and concepts into concrete solutions that are easy to understand is something that gives me a lot of energy. I am also known for enjoying challenges and new projects that require me to learn and leave my comfort zone. Showing my affection to my loved ones or guests by preparing simple dishes is also part of my talent palette.

Badria Belghiti Portrait


“Done is better than perfect.”

Dare to act, dare to experiment, dare to make mistakes to learn and expand your comfort zone.

I love to see the little spark that makes someone become bold. I love those moments of coaching when doors open, barriers are removed, and the impossible becomes possible. I feel at home when I accompany groups towards subtle changes that are truly sustainable for everyone. It is on these occasions that I feel that I am participating in constructive and sustainable work. First with my colleagues and teams, then with my clients and business partners, I have always been committed to cultivating authentic and stimulating relationships.

My background and my passions combine today in such a way that I am able to grasp multiple realities with agility:

Both from the north and the south, I am a Luxembourger by adoption, Moroccan by culture, and French by birth. Today, I live and work in Luxembourg and Paris. Cultural diversity, international mobility, and multilingualism are part of my DNA.

My initial training was specialised in finance (management control at Paris IX Dauphine and auditing at Paris Descartes) and my most recent certifications highlight my skills in active listening and in individual, collective, and organisational coaching (ACC certification by ICF and process communication coach certification by Kahler Communication).

I was a bank executive until 2017. I have a personal meditation practice. I specialise in transformation in complex environments and cultivate simplicity in my yoga practice. I am an expert in project management and a certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher.

I like to create alliances between domains that may appear far apart: transformation and performance, strength and flexibility.

Marie Zaiti portrait


When you were born you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.


My life is full of highlights… all those moments of choice, the ones that came up each time I was faced with the possibility of taking a different road where I positioned myself, consciously choosing to take one path rather than another, thus allowing me to better define my own professional identity. My highlights are all those things I dared to say no to (a PhD, a classic corporate career, an expat life, a great team) which allowed me to say yes to something else (entrepreneurship by creating different companies, accompanying leaders and their teams, learning constantly, questioning myself).

Executive coaching – facilitation – supervision

As an executive coach and management consultant (strategy, organisation, and high performing teams), I have had the chance to work all over the world with national and multinational companies and organisations. I am also active in social entrepreneurship and
asset management. I am a member of various coaching associations and am involved in the training and supervision of other coaches and supervisors, notably through the creation of a supervision academy.

I work in French, English, German, Dutch, and Italian.

Besides my training as a coach (Columbia University), I am trained in the following areas: DISC and NBI profiles, certified PCM trainer and coach, narrative practices, transactional analysis (SAT2), certified creative journal facilitator, intercultural communication, conflict management, competitive and cooperative negotiation, goal mapping, integrative supervision, burn-out prevention, coaching & cancer, psychopathology, and graphic facilitation. Ask me what training I am following or creating at the moment, I am always involved in some type of training project! I love reading, drawing, learning, sharing, cooking, traveling, and walking my